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Youth Palace of Koszalin

Youth Palace of Koszalin is the largest and one of the oldest educational institutions in the region. Following the well-known principle that words teach, but examples draw, we aim to teach, to delight and to move, by the oft-repeated docere, delectare, movere, supporting our pupils' artistic creativity to arouse their enthusiasm and to fire their imagination.

So we provide children with comprehensive development to increase their potential, preparing them for a conscious and active participation in cultural life. What makes our tuitional programme exceptional is the creation of multi-annual conditions for meetings between children and teenagers of various fields of interest. Hence our Youth Palace has been developed around the central question of gaining admittance to their hearts with a view to breathe life and supportial wind in the sails of their amazing talents and dreams.

The central elements in fulfilling these ideas are being cut out for teaching instructors and capable teachers experienced largely through their artistic and pedagogical curriculum. The wonderful thing, to our mind, about our Palace is the way it gives our pupils an opportunity to be heard, shown and admired from many different angles. And it proudly became a crucial tool in our attitude and activity. It’s no exaggeration to say that we play one of the most important roles – or who knows – maybe even the most important one in the constant crystallising the burning interest and this divine inspiration of our pupils, which is passion, hobby, art-open mind and serene faces as well. And so the glad faces of our dear ones enshrine the permanent appeal to neverending development which arises from the fact it presents with the vividness of our wards an attitude towards life, glee, hobby and particular amties.

Therefore, developing our mission, wary of its increasingly high profile, being in keeping the significant roles we play among the local society, prompting its attitudes, especially during the latest years, we are very ready for the necessity of quick changes for the benefit of all inhabitants of Koszalin. So the role and activities we undertake crystallised belief that our Youth Palace still in full should continue to trade on the sparkle of passion by fuelling our pupils burgeoning and taking with courage challenges for future so our ward's talents still could run so rampant.

Dobrze jest znaleźć sobie hobby, które tak człowieka wciąga, i sprawia, że z radością czeka się na kolejny tydzień, zamiast ponuro liczyć dni.

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